The Skeptical Teacher

Musings of a science teacher & skeptic in an age of woo.

Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn’t Scientific

Posted by mattusmaximus on August 17, 2013

Wow.  Advocates of science and skepticism have been saying it for a really, really long time: creationism (including its latest variation, “intelligent design“) is not scientific and therefore has no place in the public school science classroom.

Well, get ready for a bombshell.  Now one of the most prominent young-Earth creationists out there, Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis fame, has openly admitted that creationism is not science.  In fact, he basically goes on to say that if you are given a choice between science and (his particular interpretation of) the Bible, then you should choose the latter.

Read on for more details, including a video wherein Ham says as much in his own words:

Creationism Advocate Admits That Science Proves Evolution, But Says We Should Believe The Bible Anyway (VIDEO)


They are doing this because they oppose the scientifically supported process known as evolution. Creationism advocates usually contend that evolution is full of holes. Of course, the great majority of scientists, nearly all of them in fact, support evolution. Supporters of creationism believe that every word in the Bible is the only factual description of reality, therefore blatantly ignoring reason and logic.

But a radio ad for the Creationism Museum in Kentucky operated by Answers in Genesis President Ken Ham blew a major hole in the creationism effort on Thursday. Ham admitted that there is ZERO scientific evidence to support creationism, although he still contends that the Bible is evidence enough to force people to learn about it.

“We have solid proof in our hands that evolution is a lie: the Bible. You see, we can’t depend solely on our reasoning ability to convince skeptics. We present the evidence and do the best we can to convince people the truth of God by always pointing them to the Bible.”

Here’s the video via Raw Story:

All I can say now is two things: 1) this shows, clearly and for all to see, that at its heart creationism is fundamentally anti-science.  It seems that Ken Ham and his ilk see science as “the enemy”, so this confirms what I and many others have said for a long time: the spread of creationism is a threat not only to evolution but to all of science.  Think about the implications of that for a bit before you blithely dismiss creationists as random nutters.

And 2) this admission by Ken Ham is going to play hell with the attempts by outfits like the Discovery Institute to try promoting “intelligent design” or any other variation of creationism in public school science classes.  I have to think that Ken Ham’s open and honest admission is probably not going to be liked much by those who have tried a variety of cynical strategies in the past to try dressing up creationism in the language of science.  This might even cause a bit of a dust-up in creationist circles, which is fine by me 🙂

21 Responses to “Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn’t Scientific”

  1. Echoes of Martin Luther: “Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things, but more frequently than not struggles against the divine Word, treating with contempt all that emanates from God.”

  2. […] Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn’t Scientific […]

  3. […] Ken Ham: Creationism Isn’t Scientific […]

  4. […] Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn’t Scientific ( […]

  5. […] Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn’t Scientific ( […]

  6. […] Teaching Creationism… on Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and… […]

  7. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement++ that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  8. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement++ that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  9. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  10. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  11. “How do we know the bible is true ?”… Because the bible says it is … of course!…

  12. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  13. […] They’re simply more of the same nonsense that he continually spews.  As mattusmaximus notes, Ham’s position is rather uncomfortable for the Intelligent Design community’s […]

    • Farah,M.O. said

      No. the proceedings of creation of humans from the dust of mother earth, should involve evolution too, as it is understandable from the transformation of dust to the humans and animals we see today.. However, this transformation doesn’t follow the Darwin’s idea of the origin of species. Find out the real story in the link provided

  14. […] Ken Ham Drops All Pretense and Admits Creationism Isn't Scientific […]

  15. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory of […]

  16. […] text out of its public schools. And leading anti-evolutionist and Creation Museum curator Ken Ham made his annual announcement that the “final nail” had been pounded into the coffin of poor Darwin’s beleaguered theory […]

  17. […] all heard about the debates between Ken Hom and Bill Nye. Now Ken has turned his attention to Christ Tilling to start a debate about the literal […]

  18. […] I could go on, but suffice it to say that despite Trudeau’s lame attempts to defend himself and his actions, the judge was having none of it.  Too often hucksters and liars like Trudeau play upon the fears and ignorance of science and critical thinking among the general population in order to line their own pockets or push an agenda (other notable examples include the late Sylvia Browne and creationist Ken Ham). […]

  19. Farah,M.O. said

    Please read this full text of how creation of the animal kingdom started from the mud of mother earth….
    Hello all: Here is the true story of creation and evolution as part and parcel of how our existence today can be explained , The full story is provided in some details in this eBook . This is a far more advanced biology than most of the humans can, as yet, know. In this presentation, a narrative is showing how our forms and functions were integrated thorough divinely ordained evolution, as we were started from the mud of mother earth. For those who think they know any information about how this happened, I can assure them that they are guessing. Find the truth now, link and download a safe eBook of about 125 pages with illustration to help with the explanation . .
    Download a safe eBook and find out how creation happened in contemporary biology terminology. This will show how the phylogenetic systematics has to change to follow the new facts.No body can deny creationism due to lack of appropriate references…

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