The Skeptical Teacher

Musings of a science teacher & skeptic in an age of woo.

ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad!

Posted by mattusmaximus on April 9, 2011

[**Update (4-15-11): The American Academy of Pediatrics has requested that CBS pull the anti-vax ad.]

[**Update (4-11-11): It seems the ads have already started to run.  Here’s more information from Elyse Anders over at Skepchick on this developing situation.  Please take action now!]

Okay folks, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get skeptically active.  I have found out that CBS plans to air an anti-vaccination ad on the Jumbotron at 42nd Street in New York’s Times Square starting on April 28th.  The sponsoring organizations are the notoriously anti-vaccinationist Mercola and National Vaccine Information Center. These are a couple of the biggest groups out there promoting the falsehood that, among other things, vaccines cause autism (they don’t, btw).  And while their ad gives the impression that they want to simply inform people about their “vaccine choices”, what they are really about is spreading flagrantly non-scientific, incorrect, and fear-mongering bilge about vaccines.  If you’d like to see some accurate info on vaccines, check out this link to the Hug Me, I’m Vaccinated website.

Folks, we have to do something to stop this.  Why?  Simple: because vaccines save lives.  Period.

Thus I propose that we not only light candles in the gathering darkness, I propose that we start up a huge frakkin’ bonfire!  So what can we do about this nonsense?  Elyse Anders of Skepchick has a few ideas on that…

… Right now we need to be promoting vaccines. Right now real people are at risk because of unfounded vaccine fears. Right now measles should be eradicated in the US.

Right now this ad could cost people their lives.

I’ve attempted to contact CBS myself. They have not yet responded. (They have, however, emailed me the opportunity to take a survey to win an iPad. Not kidding. )

Now it’s your turn. You need to contact CBS; you need to ask them to refuse to run this ad.

Please sign this petition at

If you are feeling especially ambitious, sign the petition and email CBS Outdoor Customer Relations and CBS Outdoor CommunicationsVP to let them know how you feel.

And Tweet @CBSOutdoor and use #VaxCBS to tell them that these ads are unacceptable.

Hopefully, CBS will understand that encouraging the spread of deadly diseases is at least as embarrassing as employing a self-professed Fucking Rock Star From Mars with tiger blood.

Well said, Elyse!

Read the petition, sign it, and pass it on.  But I’ll go one step further, because I think it may be necessary.  I propose that if CBS doesn’t pull this bogus & dangerous ad from the Times Square Jumbotron then we get as many people as possible to start boycotting them.

And boycotting a TV station is easy, folks: you just turn the dial to another channel!

Not only that, but I propose that you talk to every single doctor, pediatrician, nurse, licensed health care worker, and hospital/clinic volunteer to get their professional organizations to get on board with some kind of public condemnation of this ad.

It’s April 8th now, and the ad runs on the 28th.  We have 20 days, folks… a LOT can happen in 20 days.

Get moving.

16 Responses to “ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad!”

  1. larianlequella said

    If these anti-vax pro-disease nutters actually had to face reprocussions from their lies, maybe then things would change. I’d like to see them all put on trial for involuntary manslaughter every time someone dies from a preventable disease!

  2. […] covered at Respectful Insolence, Skeptical Teacher, and […]

  3. […] covered at Respectful Insolence, Skeptical Teacher, and […]

  4. […] covered at Respectful Insolence, Skeptical Teacher, and […]

  5. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  6. Peaches said

    If the above message is supposed to, in some bizarre way, be “threatening” to those who advocate FOR vaccines… then something IS wrong. I am not a parent, am not directly impacted by this message but think that EVERY patient should be informed of ALL ramifications for any drug, treatment or vaccine be administered. Why should education (what this ad appears to be provoking) be frightening to those who believe in vaccines? Or is this really about those who MANUFACTURE and MAKE MONEY from vaccines?

  7. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  8. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  9. Think for yourself said

    Why are you so afraid that people know the truth and the facts and then make their own choices? Why wouldn’t you want to encourage people to learn more about things before they just blindly do what they are told like “good little socialists” ???? To risk their children’s lives and brains just because someone said they had to do whatever they are told without question. Why do you want people to give up their right to be responsible for their own selves? …to make informed choices?? Too long have Americans been dumbed down to believe whatever they are told, instead of learning, researching, and finding out facts on their own……I’m all for leaving the ad up. If it makes people think, learn, and take responsibility for their own lives , then it serves a good purpose.

  10. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  11. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  12. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  13. […] 3 The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  14. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  15. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

  16. […] The Skeptical Teacher (aka anonymous blogger mattusmaximus). ALERT: Demand That CBS Not Air Outdoor Anti-Vaccine Ad! April 15, […]

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