The Skeptical Teacher

Musings of a science teacher & skeptic in an age of woo.

Good News: Large Majorities Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Posted by mattusmaximus on October 11, 2010

I just wanted to share a bit of good news which came across my computer screen recently: it seems that, in a reversal from 10 years ago, large majorities of people in the United States (from across multiple demographics) support government-funded embryonic stem cell research.  In my opinion, progress on this particular branch of scientific research has been slow, but steadily public attitudes have been improving with science winning out over the more shrill, erroneous and Luddite-like voices out there who would like to compare it to abortion.  It just goes to show what can happen when the scientific community & its public supporters sticks to their guns – the fight may be long, but we can win 🙂

Most Americans Back Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Poll

Americans overwhelmingly support embryonic stem cell research, and that backing stretches across a broad range of demographic groups, including Republicans, Catholics and born-again Christians, according to a new Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll.

Almost three-quarters (72 percent) of the adults surveyed believe that scientists should be allowed to use embryonic stem cells left over from in vitro fertilization procedures to search for potential treatments or ways to prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and other conditions.

Only 12 percent oppose using stem cells for biomedical research, numbers that mirror those from a similar poll conducted in 2005.

“There is now overwhelming public support for using embryonic stem cells in biomedical research,” said Humphrey Taylor, chairman of the Harris Poll, a service of Harris Interactive. “Even among Catholics and born-again Christians, relatively few people believe that stem cell research should be forbidden because it is unethical or immoral.” …

**Note: A more detailed breakdown of the poll results can be found here.

2 Responses to “Good News: Large Majorities Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research”

  1. […] Good News: Large Majorities Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research « The Skeptical Teacher […]

  2. Sue Suter said

    Great news….too many people suffering unnecessarily! We need to advance forward.

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